Saturday, February 27, 2016

Instead of Donald Trump, Vote for Me!

     If you're wondering who to vote for on Super Tuesday (or any day this week), how about...Terry Kitchen? My new CD The Post-American Century is up for Album/EP of the Year (Solo) in Limelight Magazine's 8th Annual Music Awards. Please vote early and often - the poll's open from now until this Friday March 4 at 11:45 PM (EST), and you can vote up to 4 times from each IP address. Thanks for your support, and thanks to Limelight Magazine for supporting the Mass.-Rhode Island music scene!


Monday, February 15, 2016

Goin' to Kansas City!
     The international Folk Alliance conference takes place this week in Kansas City, and I will be there to hype my new CD The Post-American Century, do some showcases with my friends Mara Levine, Janne Henshaw, Johnsmith and James Curley, and generally cause trouble. I'll arrive Thursday just in time for the Folk-DJ reception, then perform and schmooze as below. See you there!
Thursday Nite 12-12:30 LilFest  (room 727) w/ Mara Levine, Janne Henshaw

Thursday Nite 12:30-1  Access Film yellow  (room 755)  w/ Mara Levine 

Friday 10 AM-1 PM  Exhibit Hall Booth 605 w/ Mara Levine, Dennis Warner, Stuart Markus

Friday Nite 11-11:20  NERFA Presents  (room 625) w/ Mara Levine

Friday Nite 1-1:30  LilFest  (room 727)  w/ Mara Levine, John Smith

Friday Nite 2-2:30  Austin Skyline  (Room 607)  w/ James Curley

Saturday 10 AM-1 PM  Exhibit Hall Booth 605 w/ Mara Levine, Dennis Warner, Stuart Markus

Saturday Nite 12:30-1  Access Film yellow (room 755) w/ Mara Levine, Stuart Markus

Saturday Nite  2-2:30  LilFest  (room 727)  w/ Mara Levine

More on the conference at