Monday, February 15, 2016

Goin' to Kansas City!
     The international Folk Alliance conference takes place this week in Kansas City, and I will be there to hype my new CD The Post-American Century, do some showcases with my friends Mara Levine, Janne Henshaw, Johnsmith and James Curley, and generally cause trouble. I'll arrive Thursday just in time for the Folk-DJ reception, then perform and schmooze as below. See you there!
Thursday Nite 12-12:30 LilFest  (room 727) w/ Mara Levine, Janne Henshaw

Thursday Nite 12:30-1  Access Film yellow  (room 755)  w/ Mara Levine 

Friday 10 AM-1 PM  Exhibit Hall Booth 605 w/ Mara Levine, Dennis Warner, Stuart Markus

Friday Nite 11-11:20  NERFA Presents  (room 625) w/ Mara Levine

Friday Nite 1-1:30  LilFest  (room 727)  w/ Mara Levine, John Smith

Friday Nite 2-2:30  Austin Skyline  (Room 607)  w/ James Curley

Saturday 10 AM-1 PM  Exhibit Hall Booth 605 w/ Mara Levine, Dennis Warner, Stuart Markus

Saturday Nite 12:30-1  Access Film yellow (room 755) w/ Mara Levine, Stuart Markus

Saturday Nite  2-2:30  LilFest  (room 727)  w/ Mara Levine

More on the conference at 

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