When my bandmates and I visited Boston on a scouting trip back in the early '80s, we stopped in at a little club in Brookline to see a band called the Martells. It was brighter and friendlier than the other clubs we visited, and people were dancing instead of just standing around trying to look cool. The place was called the Tam. I asked the singer of the band if Boston was a good town for music. "Great scene," he said, "but it's a bitch to make any money." We moved here anyway, and my band Loose Ties ended up playing the Tam many times, including our official "goodbye" show in the late '80s. We will be remembering the Tam in story and song this Thursday Oct 9 at the Brookline Library, 361 Washingston St., Brookline. The evening will feature the Memphis Rockabilly Band, Jay Feinstein of Push Push, and I'll read the 'Tam' scene from my novel Next Big Thing, and be joined some Loose Ties friends for some vintage Tam music. Hope you can be there!